The Royal Photographic Society has today announced the launch of a new youth photography competition, aimed at young people under the age of 25.
The competition, known as IRIS-25 (The International Review of Images with Soundtrack for Under 25 year olds) is designed to promote and encourage the interest and growth of Digital Audio Visual photography among young people. The deadline for entries is 21st April and free software to assist in creating the increasingly popular sequences has been kindly provided by Igor Kokarev of the Pictures to Exe Software company [1]. Entry forms can be downloaded from http://www.iris-25.org/ .
Far from being the death of photography, digital technology has meant that a much wider audience is now able to enjoy the art form in an ever increasing capacity, which is especially true of the younger generations. In so many ways children have become tainted by overexposure to electronic entertainment, television, video games and the ubiquitous presence of the internet – but IRIS-25 aims to highlight some of the more positive effects that the digital age has had, and can have on young people.
This new initiative aims to introduce a younger generation to the exciting and creative world of Digital Audio Visual Photography, through which they are able to creatively link music, narrative and visual images. Graeme Paton, Education Correspondent at the Telegraph newspaper recently reported that A-Level candidates are increasingly concentrating on courses such as media studies and photography because they lead directly to a job. With Digital AV having become somewhat of a new buzz word in the photographic community at the moment, the new venture provides the perfect platform for schools and universities to incorporate an interesting and worthwhile project for pupils to work towards and which helps them express themselves practically and creatively. The best learning undoubtedly takes place in an atmosphere of curiosity and excitement which is what the RPS aims to help provide with IRIS-25.
“The production of AV sequences involves many skills useful in modern life, and can benefit the workers and leaders of tomorrow, teaching them to communicate, not only visually but also verbally; to look, listen and understand; and to express their ideas creatively with skill and sensitivity. There is too much emphasis on speed and not enough time to pause and reflect these days, and it is my hope that the new IRIS-25 competition will encourage children and young people to stop, take a collection of still images and use them to communicate their ideas in the form of AV sequences”
Maureen Albright ARPS - Organiser
The closing date for entries is 21st April and judging will take place on 21st June at Aldbourne Memorial Hall, Wiltshire. The entry categories are:
The competition, known as IRIS-25 (The International Review of Images with Soundtrack for Under 25 year olds) is designed to promote and encourage the interest and growth of Digital Audio Visual photography among young people. The deadline for entries is 21st April and free software to assist in creating the increasingly popular sequences has been kindly provided by Igor Kokarev of the Pictures to Exe Software company [1]. Entry forms can be downloaded from http://www.iris-25.org/ .
Far from being the death of photography, digital technology has meant that a much wider audience is now able to enjoy the art form in an ever increasing capacity, which is especially true of the younger generations. In so many ways children have become tainted by overexposure to electronic entertainment, television, video games and the ubiquitous presence of the internet – but IRIS-25 aims to highlight some of the more positive effects that the digital age has had, and can have on young people.
This new initiative aims to introduce a younger generation to the exciting and creative world of Digital Audio Visual Photography, through which they are able to creatively link music, narrative and visual images. Graeme Paton, Education Correspondent at the Telegraph newspaper recently reported that A-Level candidates are increasingly concentrating on courses such as media studies and photography because they lead directly to a job. With Digital AV having become somewhat of a new buzz word in the photographic community at the moment, the new venture provides the perfect platform for schools and universities to incorporate an interesting and worthwhile project for pupils to work towards and which helps them express themselves practically and creatively. The best learning undoubtedly takes place in an atmosphere of curiosity and excitement which is what the RPS aims to help provide with IRIS-25.
“The production of AV sequences involves many skills useful in modern life, and can benefit the workers and leaders of tomorrow, teaching them to communicate, not only visually but also verbally; to look, listen and understand; and to express their ideas creatively with skill and sensitivity. There is too much emphasis on speed and not enough time to pause and reflect these days, and it is my hope that the new IRIS-25 competition will encourage children and young people to stop, take a collection of still images and use them to communicate their ideas in the form of AV sequences”
Maureen Albright ARPS - Organiser
The closing date for entries is 21st April and judging will take place on 21st June at Aldbourne Memorial Hall, Wiltshire. The entry categories are:
· Single author under 16 years old (prize - £100)
· Single author aged 16 to 24 years (prize - £150 + Pollock Medal)
· Group entry – by young people aged under 16 (prize - £100)
· Group entry - by young people aged 16 - 24 years (prize - £150)
A Special Prize will also be awarded to the school or college with the maximum number of entries
For further information or to receive free/discounted AV software please contact Maureen Albright: 01672 540 754 / Maureen@maureenalbright.com
For further press information or visuals please contact Emily Mathewson: 0208 334 5751 / emily@maxpr-events.com
[1] Please contact Maureen Albright if you wish to receive the free key to PTE software to enter this competition – Maureen@maureenalbright.com
Photodex, the company which produces Proshow Gold has also made available vouchers for a 20% discount on their software